Famozah trading


2a Sea View Road, KwaDukuza 4449, KwaDukuza

Map Location

Sole Proprietorship
Industry & ManufacturingMiscellaneousPaper, Cardboard & BoxesPlasticRestaurantsFast FoodSpeciality RestaurantsWedding CaterersOther
General info

We are wholesalers of plastic packaging , foam packaging, soft board packaging and packaging related to butchers and bakery . Supermarket packaging . Home industry bakers and food producers. Take away and fast food packaging , general carrier bags , specialist carrier bags, all types of restaurant packaging . Our company sources the best packaging at the best prices . All our plastic packets are government levied products  which conform to government required tax . Our craft packaging are all made from recycled ♻️ materials .We offer free delivery within the stanger central business district. We are a family owned business and thrive on personalized  service and building customer relations .